With God as our source, we exist to develop people into fully committed disciples of Christ to impact our families, our communities and the nations.
who we are
Our guiding scripture is found in the book of John, "I came that you might have life and have it to the full!" (John 10:10)
We believe that Jesus Christ came to this earth not just to give us eternal life but to help us experience His life in every aspect of our life here on earth. We try to point our people to the true source of life, Jesus Christ.
LifeSpring Christian Church is part of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. We know that's quite a mouthful but we encourage you to check out our denomination's website at here. There you'll find out all about our history and our beliefs. Or, if you have specific questions you can always call or e-mail one of our pastors. Contact them here.